
Santa Fe Hills Homes Association



Santa Fe Hills Homes Association Board Officers

President: Kirby Viehland (816) 572-8123

Vice-President: Craig Huffman-McNulty

Treasurer: Dolly Owen - (913) 449-0604

Secretary:Micaela Barber (605) 212-0699


Other Directors:

Steve Moore (816) 363-9385

Jon Passman (816) 585-2414

Don Coleman (816) 514-1391

Evan Nelson - (913) 213-4915


Homes Association e-mail:, cc:

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How Can My Community Prevent Child Abuse?
Leaf_logothumb The Office on Child Abuse and Neglect (OCAN), a division of the Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), takes the Federal lead in the...
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Why You Need Long Term Disability Insurance
Disinssm One in five American workers will become disabled for an average of 2.5 years. Learn how to protect your income with long-term disability insurance should you find yourself in this situation. You’ve got ...
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